A peculiar publication day for The Tale of a Toothbrush


Today, the paperback of my debut picture book The Tale of a Toothbrush is published. This would ordinarily be cause for celebration, except that every book shop in the land is closed.

If you feel this book would be a lovely addition to your child's bookshelf, and I promise it's a delightful story that gently introduces the topic of the problem with single-use plastic, then help an author out in these strange times and order one from Waterstones or Amazon. A review on either of these websites would be a big help too.


Listen along as I read The Tale of a Toothbrush live on my Instagram IGTV at 6pm on Friday the 3rd of April. Gather the family around and marvel at the faces I pull and my silly voices as I read you a charming bedtime story.

SPOILER ALERT - this book has a happy ending.

My Instagram »



If you're at home with little ones for the foreseeable then why not try making a trash monster from plastic found in the bin?

You can find a video of me doing this on Authorfy. You have to register (for free) but there are lots of other great writing and creative activities there too. M. G. Leonard's 10 Minute Challenge »